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What's New?  ARCHIVE

APRIL 2, 2024


The Board is in the process of working with an attorney to amend the Ranch CCRs and Bylaws to bring them into compliance by updating them to current legal frameworks. The Board is making a REDLINE copy available here on our website for easy viewing.  The documents can be found linked HERE or on our "CCRs, BY-LAWS, RULES" tab.

After the Board has approved the amendments, the Ranch members will have an opportunity to vote on the completed document. 


October 30, 2022

We will have our 2nd Annual Greet & Meet at the Hallmeyer/Alexander residence.  It will take place from 2-6 pm, rain or shine.  Refreshments will be served. Although entirely optional, if you would like to bring small bites appetizer/sweets to share, please feel free to do so.  Looking forward to seeing many of our neighbors!


February 2022

The development project previously known as Dixon Ranch or Generations at Green Valley has been brought back by the applicant.  Green Springs Ranch has a group of neighbors who were very involved in fighting the last project.  Now that the developer has applied to the county, we will be gathering together to see what way we want to go on this.  If you are interested in being a part of the committee, please email

Here's the link to the Mountain Democrat article from February 2022:

For a brief history of the project and GSRLA's involvement, please see the tab "Topics of Interest" or this link: Dixon Ranch 


March 19, 2021

The new 2021 Board has been elected.  The positions are:

President & CCRs - Susan Parker

Vice President - Nick Crane

Treasurer - Jeff Tewksbury

Secretary - Diane Barclay

Gates & Cameras - Mel Kowardy

Roads & Architectural Review - Nate Heninger

Borders - Greg Hartnett

Fire & Tree Safety - Bill Bevier

INFORMATION REGARDING ADU's (Accessory Dwelling Units)


There have been new laws passed in 2020 and updates in 2021 regarding the building of ADU's (aka Granny Flats).  There is a lot of information on the California Department of Housing and Community Development website here.

There is also a very informative handbook with questions and answers regarding all the ins and outs of ADUs.  The handbook is found here and linked on the CA HCD website. 

The GSRLA Board has proposed that properties within Green Springs Ranch that have an ADU should pay an additional yearly assessment fee due to the additional wear and tear on the roads and gate.  The 2021 Board will finalize and vote on this issue in the coming year. 




November 11, 2020


The current Board has done its best to serve and represent all Ranch landowners fairly. We accepted these positions not because we had any particular agenda, but in the interest of community service to aid in the enjoyment and enhancement of our neighborhood. In return, this Board was opposed from within, as well as, vigorously opposed by a group of Ranch members who do have an agenda, and continue to use falsehoods to promote it. It would have been easier to back off in the face of this unfair and aggressive opposition, but this Board has stood steadfast to follow the proper processes to represent all of the members, and provide verified and true information to our members.  Our counsel has advised the Board that we are fully within our authority, and our processes are correct. We would expect nothing less than similar behavior from an elected Board, and we urge you to consider these expectations as you choose the next Board. Please remember that we are all neighbors and we must be mindful of how we interact and treat each other.


November 8, 2020

Thank you to those who responded to the survey sent out by the Board.  Here are the results of the survey:


Continue - 25 (23%)

Stop - 52 (49%)

No Opinion - 1 (1%)

No Response - 29 (27%)


Based on the responses received from the land owners, the Board has unanimously agreed to discontinue the process to request the Post Office to orchestrate a Ranch vote on the zip code. 


October 22, 2020

The committees have finalized the Fact Sheet and the Zip Code Survey will be sent to all Ranch members via email today.  We will send the survey to the email we have on file.  For those without email, a paper copy will be sent in the mail.  The link to the Fact Sheet can be found here: Zip Code Info Sheet

Please complete the survey by November 5, 2020. 


JUNE 1, 2020


As a reminder, the June 1st deadline for Fire Safe compliance is fast approaching.  The Board will take in to consideration any late rains that may occur and will adjust the deadline as appropriate.  The Fire Safe Rules are:

1. Each homeowner will maintain 100 feet of defensible space around their homes.

2. Each landowner will maintain a 30 foot fire break from the road. This break will not apply to areas that contain improved and maintained landscaping. This break is for areas that are unimproved and in a wild condition.

Within this fire break:

- All trees are to limbed up at least 8 feet above the ground. Dead limbs in trees are to limbed up at least 15 feet. Dead trees are to be removed.

- All grasses in the fire break area are to be cut or sprayed down to a level of 3 inches by June 1st of each year. This area is to be kept free of all wild brush, such as Manzanita and Buckeyes, etc. 

Last year we were pleased and impressed by the effort put in to keeping the Ranch fire safe.  Keep up the good work!

SEPTEMBER 15, 2019


The board has continuously received complaints regarding speeding and dangerous driving in the Ranch.  There are a few intersections that have become troublesome.  Because of this, we will install a new stop sign at the intersection of Marden / Clarksville.  The stop sign will replace the "Yield" sign that is currently in place on the eastbound section of Marden approaching Clarksville.  The stop sign is tentatively scheduled to be installed OCTOBER 15th.  


We also plan to form a committee to evaluate the roads in the Ranch to see if there are other places that need a correction.  You are welcome to send any input that might be helpful.

NOVEMBER 1, 2019


It is time to think about the 2020 GSRLA Board.  A few of the current board members will not be returning, so there will be positions to fill.  If you are interested in running, please send a short bio to this email by NOVEMBER 1st.  It's a great way to get to know your neighbors and be involved with the happenings in the Ranch. Ballots will go out in mid-November. 

NOVEMBER 13, 2019


The Annual General Meeting will take place on Wednesday, November 13th at 7:00 pm.  It is tentatively scheduled at our usual spot, the Pleasant Grove Library.  If there is any change, we will let you know.  We will be discussing a few important items, so we would love to have as many property owners attend as possible.


El Dorado County utilizes the "Code Red" Emergency alert notification.  To register and sign up for the service visit this link: CODE RED REGISTER

El Dorado County has also provided a "Frequently Asked Questions" page here: FAQ 

JUNE 30, 2019


The results of Short Term Rental Rule vote are in.  The tally is: Yes - 46, No - 14.   The new rule states:


"No owner may lease or rent such owners residence or property for hotel, motel or transient purposes which includes, but is not limited to inn services, bed and breakfast, time-share, or similar temporary lodging.  For purposes of this restriction any rental or lease for a period of 30 days or less shall be deemed for transient or hotel purposes.  No owner shall be permitted to rent or lease his property fo a period of 30 days or less."

APRIL 16, 2019


The results of Fire Safe Rules vote are in.  The tally is: Yes - 47, No - 20.   The new rules state:

To proactively protect our lives, our homes, our community, and property we will implement the following Fire Safe Rules.

  • Each homeowner will maintain 100 feet of defensible space around their homes.

  • Each landowner will maintain a 30 foot fire break from the road. This break will not apply to areas that contain improved and maintained landscaping. This break is for areas that are unimproved and in a wild condition.

o Within this fire break:

  •  All trees are to be limbed up at least 8 feet above the ground. Dead

    limbs in trees are to be limbed up at least 15 feet. Dead trees are to be removed.

  •  All grasses in the fire break area are to be cut or sprayed down to a level of 3 inches by June 1st each year. This area is to be kept free of all wild brush, such as Manzanita and Buckeyes, etc.

If the late rains continue, we will be flexible with the June 1st deadline. We understand that there may be added costs that can be overwhelming. We will gather resources that are available to residents that may need assistance in complying with the rules. 

AUGUST 10, 2018


Please come and meet your neighbors while helping clean up the Ranch.  We will meet by the mailboxes.  This would be a great service project for some of the teenage kids.  Bring rakes, garbage bags, work gloves, shovels and as many weedeaters as possible.  It should last 2-3 hours.  Refreshments will be provided!



2850 Fairlane Ct, Building C

Placerville, CA  95667

Springs Equestrian Center, which borders Green Springs Ranch, has been continued to an unknown date.  Those interested in this project should reach out to our Borders Committee Chair Michael Ladeaux.


TUESDAY, OCTOBER 24, 2017 at 2 PM





The "Generations at Green Valley" project (formerly Dixon Ranch) will go before the Board of Supervisors on October 24th at 2 pm for a conceptual review.  See the Public Notice HERE.  Those interested in the project are encouraged to attend the meeting.  This project 


County project page can be found here.



2850 Fairlane Ct, Building C

Placerville, CA  95667

The Dixon Ranch project will go before the Board of Supervisors on February 14th at 2 pm.  The Board will make a final vote at this meeting.  More information on the Dixon Ranch link on the sidebar.  Extensive public documents, including planning commission reports, traffic reports, and public comments are here.



The new board for 2017 has been elected.  The Board members are:  Blake Bethards, President; Bill Kenney, Vice President; Brian Neil, Treasurer; Ali Bailey, Secretary; Mel Kowardy, Cal Reynolds, Mark Hartmann and Michael Ladeaux. 


March 8, 2016 - Dixon Ranch continued to a later date.

The Supervisors voted to continue the project to a later date.  It will be noticed to the public when that date is set. Public comment was taken by the Board from those in attendance.  There was a large group from GVA and GSRLA that were able to make comments.  


February 22, 2016 – Dixon Ranch soon to be before Board of Supervisors

Dixon Ranch Hearing

March 8, 2016

1:00 PM


El Dorado County

Board of Supervisors

330 Fair Lane, Building A

Placerville, CA 95667


For Extensive public documents, including planning commission reports, traffic reports, and public comments, click here.  For official meeting notice, click here.



January 11, 2016 – Dixon Ranch Subdivision Hearing on January 14, 2016


A message from your GSR Borders Committee:


Please attend the Planning Commission’s hearing for Dixon Ranch at 2:00 pm this Thursday, 1/14/16.  They will be making a recommendation of ‘approval’ or ‘denial’ to the Board of Supervisors, and your attendance can make a difference.  Meeting location:


El Dorado County Planning Commission Hearing Room

2850 Fairlane Drive, Building C,

Placerville, CA


2:00 pm Thursday, January 14th, 2016


There are multiple issues but the traffic alone should have your attention: The project as proposed will add nearly 5,000 vehicle trips daily to the approximately 10,000 that pass through that point on Green Valley Rd currently.


Attend & show the Commissioners this matters to our neighborhood!


Click here to view more information: []



October 8, 2015 - Community Service District Option Available to GSRLA for CC&R Functions


The Green Springs Ranch Landowners Association (GSRLA) Board is considering the best way to respond to requests from members to maintain and improve the quality of our neighborhood. One of the ways for us to do this is through the actions of the Board’s Conditions, Covenants & Restrictions/Bylaws (CC&R) committee. Currently, the work of the CC&R committee must be done by volunteer GSRLA members. This committee is required to review architectural plans, address CC&R complaints, and monitor CC&R compliance in accordance with the GSRLA CC&Rs.


The GSRLA Board has the option of utilizing the services of the El Dorado Hills Community Services District (CSD) to perform these required functions. GSRLA members already belong to the CSD and take advantage of CSD garbage collection, recycling, and priority registration in community classes and programs. We have the option of expanding our CSD services at no additional cost to include CC&R functions.

These functions would be performed by the CSD at our direction and in accordance with the currently existing GSRLA CC&Rs and bylaws, which remain under the control of the GSRLA Board. GSRLA would have the opportunity to seat three representatives on the CSD CC&R Citizens Advisory Committee.



1. No additional cost to GSRLA members

2. Fulfills requirements of Bylaws

3. Professional, non‐biased services

4. Earlier response times

5. CSD must follow existing GSRLA CC&Rs (not Serrano’s CC&Rs, but our own already existing CC&Rs which can only be amended by a vote of GSRLA members)

6. Neighborhood consistency

7. Ease of implementation of architectural reviews

8. Relieves possible conflicts between neighbors

9. GSRLA member representation on CSD Citizens Advisory Committee



1. Third party involvement

2. Please help us think of some!


Details regarding the CSD involvement with CC&Rs can be found here:‐services/cc‐rs.html

The CSD Design Review Committee page can be found here:‐services/design‐review‐committee.html


What’s next? A CSD representative will be at the GSRLA annual meeting in November to answer questions. If there is interest, the GSRLA Board will prepare a ballot for the membership to vote on this option to better maintain and improve our neighborhood.





August 26, 2015 - FINAL Environmental Impact Report Hearing on the El Dorado County General Plan and Zoning Ordinance

This announcement is informational and we believe of interest to our community.  The GSRLA Board does not necessarily agree with the content of this message.

From: Green Valley Alliance <>
Date: August 21, 2015 at 9:00:31 AM PDT
To: Green Valley Alliance <>
Subject: Fwd: PLEASE COME - Final EIR Hearing Aug. 27th: General Plan and Zoning Ordinance update


The proposed changes will impact you in some way - please attend this hearing if you are able!


If you read the Draft EIR and made comments, the responses are now available here:


If you haven't waded through the documents yourself, we have a few summary points for you as to why this FEIR must be rejected- in spite of harshly constructive criticism by Caltrans engineers of the County's traffic modeling, our County is forging ahead in order to allow more development.


In spite of significant concern over county-wide rezoning (33% of the County's parcels affected..) deaf ears are turned to the positive alternatives offered by County residents

open space, treasured in the County's more developed areas like EDH, will be reduced, and high density development potential increased home businesses are great, but not as proposed- with reduced noise and visual protections, quiet residential neighborhood character will be destroyed  if your lawn is already dead from water conservation efforts, or you are weary of the levels of commute traffic, you will want to know the impact of this project - the Final EIR identifies 38 significant and unavoidable impacts in water supply, air quality, aesthetics, biological resources, agricultural resources, cultural resources, noise, population & housing, land use planning, transportation & traffic, and cumulative impacts - nearly every CEQA review category.


On Thursday, staff will ask the Planning Commission for an approval recommendation to certify the EIR and adopt overriding considerations for not one, but all 38 of the significant and unavoidable impacts these changes will cause. Throughout this process, citizens have provided feedback, asked questions, and volunteered countless hours. The Final EIR is now released, and the responses are generally non-responsive to our suggested alternatives and concerns.


Do not let County officials sacrifice your quality of life to further excessive development. They need to hear from you, not just the Development community.


Please attend this hearing if you are able:

Thursday, Aug 27th, 8:30am in the Board of Supervisors hearing room, 330 Fair Lane, Bldg A, Placerville.

Ellen Van Dyke for GVA 


 Visit Facebook. You don't have to 'Like' us. Just visit.


Save Our County post with more info to inspire you:


On February 26, 2015, the El Dorado Planning Commission held a public meeting on Dixon Ranch.  It was an information-only workshop on the Dixon Ranch Residential project to discuss the project description with the Planning Commission prior to public hearing on the applications and the Final Environmental Impact Report (FEIR).  Many Green Springs Ranch neighbors along with other area residents addressed the commission.  The County’s staff report with their recommendation will be out with the FEIR in the next month or two. 


If you would like to review the meeting, its video and audio are available online through the Board of Supervisors Video Streaming Page at


Look for PlanningCommission2015-02-26 under the Archived Videos section.  The Dixon Ranch segment begins at 6:09:30 (six hours, 9 minutes, and 30 seconds into the recording).


You may also be interested in a newspaper story in the Village Life which reported on this public meeting:


Lastly, Ellen Van Dyke has created a Dixon Ranch discussion group in the Green Springs Ranch Next Door forum ( for any Green Springs Ranch residents who may wish to discuss this topic further.



February 10, 2015

El Dorado Planning Commission Public Meeting on Dixon Ranch


February 26, 2015, at 2:00 p.m.


Building C Hearing Room,

2850 Fairlane Court,

Placerville, CA 95667


This will be an information-only workshop on the Dixon Ranch Residential project to discuss the project description with the Planning Commission prior to public hearing on the applications and Final Environmental Impact Report (FEIR). Any public comments are welcome and will be received and filed. No action by the Planning Commission will be taken.



February 5, 2015


The comment period for the Draft Environmental Impact Report for the proposed Dixon Ranch subdivision will be closing February 9, 2015.  While the Ranch has expressed its views, individual landowners are invited and encouraged to do so as well.  Click here to see the GSRLA letter to the county planner on this project.



October 19, 2014


Springs Equestrian Center proposal going before El Dorado County Board of Supervisors, 10/23/14, 8:30 a.m.:


Green Spring Ranch Residents-


The proposed plan for an Equestrian Center adjacent to Green Springs Ranch will go to the Planning Commission in Placerville this Thursday (10/23/14). 

2850 Fairlane Court, Building "C", Placerville, CA 95667.  The meeting begins at 8:30 am.


The Green Springs Ranch Border Committee believes that this project is far too intensive of a use directly next to our 5-acre rural parcels and will submit a separate letter to the Planning Commission covering a list of concerns.  Please take time to email the Planning Commissioners before this Thursday – whether in favor or opposed.  You can email your letters to: Char Tim, Clerk of the Planning Commission (530) 621-5351  See the end of this message for an email example you can use for your comments.


Here are the proposed parameters of the project:


Special Use Permit: The Special Use Permit shall allow an equestrian center on Parcel 1 with the following



a. Boarding/grooming stalls for 420 horses.


b. Two covered arenas 45,000 square feet each.


c. One 45,000 square-foot fenced arena.


d. One 37,500 square foot fenced arena.


e. One 31,250 square foot fenced arena.


f. Three 80-stall barns; one 40-stall barn; seven 20-stall barns. Horses are kept in 12 x 12 foot box stall

barns or in 12 x 24 foot pipe stall barns with a total of 280 box stalls and 140 pipe stalls. Barn stalls will

be painted aluminum with a composite panel interior. Concrete pier footing will be provided on all

construction. Architectural metal roofing will be coated in hunter green paint and the barn siding will be

coated in beige color paint.


g. One 13,000 square foot dressage arena.


h. One 111,000 square foot grassed arena.


1. One 12,000 square-foot clubhouse consisting of an equestrian retail store/office/clubhouse/fitness center.

First floor: Retail store and fitness center approximately 3,000 square feet each; Second Floor:

Office/conference rooms comprising approximately 6,000 square feet.


J. One eight foot tall by nine foot wide unlit monument sign with approximately 48 square feet of display



k. Camping spaces for trailers and recreational vehicles (RV) equipped with electrical and water hook-up

outlets. These facilities would be an extension of the horse shows and are not intended to be a full time

public campground. Maximum occupancy would be 90 people and maximum length of stay would be

ten days to coincide with the length of horse shows. Forty trailer and RV spaces are identified. No

generators will be allowed, and no sewer connection will be provided.


1. The main entrance will encroach off Deer Valley Road and be gated. The internal circulation will extend

from the main entrance to the east side of the property where a second vehicle exit will be provided onto

Green Valley Road. This exit will serve as an emergency, RV and trailer, horse show, and event exit.


m. Interior circulation is typically closed to car and truck traffic, except for equipment loading and

unloading. Some interior driveways will be provided for car access to the barns. Speed limit is 5 MPH.


n. A total of 165 parking spaces and overflow parking for approximately 86 vehicles.


o. An existing 3,600 square-foot single family home to be used as a management residence and office,

1,058 square-foot second residence to be used as a residence for employees, 5,000 square-foot storage

building, hay storage service area, and three other minor accessory structures are currently located on

the subject property and will remain as part of this project.


p. The equestrian center will be fenced with ranch fencing around its entire exterior perimeter. White rail

PVC fencing will outline many working areas within the equestrian center. Horse arenas will be made

from three-rail white PVC fencing.


q. Interior lighting within the covered arenas will be directed downward. Uncovered arenas will not

contain lighting.


r. Annexation into the EI Dorado Irrigation District is proposed to connect the site to public water.


s. Septic systems currently on the property will provide for waste water disposal at the main house and

second residence. A new septic system will be installed for the clubhouse and horse wash stalls.


t. A monument sign or plaque may be placed identifying special species of plants and non-sensitive

artifacts throughout the property.


The following uses:

1. The proposed equestrian facility will include approximately 32 staff members, as follows:

Management: The facility management team will oversee all accounting, boarding agreements, horse

shows, and general operations. The facility management will oversee all care and maintenance of the

facility and will reside at the facility to provide a 24-hour presence, seven days per week. The

management team will include clerical staff, retail store staff, show staff, safety and ground inspection

staff. A point of contact will be provided and published. A 24-hour phone answering service will be

provided with a live person contact, for immediate or emergency communication. An email address will

be provided for written contact and communication.

Staff: One stall hand for every 40 stalls boarded to provide the twice daily stall mucking and removal

and general cleaning. One person per 100 horses for feeding two times per day. Two grounds personnel

for general maintenance and security. Additional facility personnel will be employed as conditions

warrant. The number of administration and staff employees will vary as conditions warrant. Seasonal

staff will be employed for horse shows, weddings, and special events.


2. Hours of operation for the equestrian center are 7:00 AM to 9:30 PM seven days a week.


3. The retail store and fitness facility will be for members only and shall not be available to the public

without membership. The members and boarders will have immediate access to purchase equine care

products, feed, vitamins, supplements, grooming products, tack, apparel, and riding equipment. Hours of

operation will be within the equestrian center hours.


4. The fitness facility to provide for physical strengthening will be for members only and not available to

the public without a membership. The facility will not contain a salon, spa, nor a shower area. Hours of

operation will be within the equestrian center hours and will be closed during horse shows.


5. Offices will provide space for administration, accounting, and management. Office hours are 6 am to 6

pm Monday through Friday and closed on weekends.


6. Seminars will be conducted and located in the conference rooms of the clubhouse office area and will

provide for continuing education, conferences, and meetings. The conference rooms may be made

available to local clubs and community organizations for meetings and events in support of special

needs. The size of each class will not exceed 30 people and be generally held in the evenings from 6 pm

to 9 pm.


7. Horse Shows:

Twelve to 18 regular shows per year, plus two annual shows per year.

Regular shows run two days, typically Saturday and Sunday 8 am to 6 pm.

Annual shows run four to eight days (Two shows maximum per year), typically Saturday through the

following Sunday from 8 am to 6 pm.

Horse Shows will consist of English, Equitation/Pleasure, Dressage, and others. Sound announcement

will be conducted as soft non-horse alarming and simple commands for Equitation/Pleasure Classes

such as "turn your horses", pause then, "jog your horses", etc. All other Shows do not require sound

announcement during their performances.

The required workers would be up to four show judges and administrative staff of four to six people.

Attendees will include primarily those with boarded horses.

Horse shows will be narrated by microphone and speaker system within the covered and open arenas.


8. Weddings:

To be held Friday 5 pm to 9:30 pm, Saturday 10 am to 9:30 pm, and Sunday 10 am to 9 pm, so that

guests will have left the premises by 10 pm.

Weddings shall be prohibited during horse shows and events.

Maximum: Two weddings per day, four per week, and a maximum 150 people per wedding.

Wedding ceremonies will be conducted on the grass in front of the existing main house and in the

covered arena. The reception will be held at the main residence and/or deck, or in the covered arena.

Amplified music and speech will be provided.

Weddings will be seasonal as they will normally be held outdoors.


9. Special events:

Events to be held during facility hours will end no later than 9:30 pm, so that attendees will have left the

facility by 10 pm. A maximum of six special events per year. Events will not be held during weddings or horse shows.


10. Maximum occupancy of the site will be 300 people at anyone time.


11. Open or uncovered arenas are groomed daily to keep the footing (sand base footing) workable for the

rider and eliminate dust within the arena. Proper grooming consists of watering the arena area in the

morning (6 am to 8 am). During summer months, arena will be watered an additional time at mid-day.


12. Feed delivery is two to three times per month to the existing hay storage barn.


13. Trash clean-up is a minimum of twice per day. A commercial carrier will pick up the trash containers as

scheduled, or at a minimum of once per week.


14. Horse stalls are cleaned twice per day, seven days per week. The manure and soiled bedding is gathered

together along with any waste and placed into a 45 yard commercial bin. The bin is covered and keeps

the manure in a sealed environment. Common areas are cleaned daily of any droppings and placed into

the manure containers.


15. All box stall barns will be equipped with an automatic fly control system from which a fly control

solution is automatically sprayed. Barns will also have large agricultural air movement fans.


16. An air system is installed in each barn to retain and discard odors.


17. Equipment used daily at the equestrian center will consist of simple farm and ranch implements.


18. All speakers will be designed and placed to direct all sounds away from the neighboring residential uses

and will utilize less power in the speaker output. The facility staff shall measure and monitor all noise

levels during the horse shows, weddings, and events to ensure compliance with noise standards under

General Plan Policy



Example email:



Re: Item 6, File number 14-1379 Springs Equestrian Center


Dear Planning Commissioners,


<insert your comments here>




<Insert your name here>


Don Van Dyke

GSRLA President




December 23, 2012


Dixon Ranch Update


Ranch Residents:


In July of this year, the County solicited feedback under a Notice of Preparation(NOP) for an Environmental Impact Report for the Dixon Ranch project.  The project has been revised, and the county is again issuing notifications and soliciting feedback.  This NOP supersedes the first, and if you wish for your concerns and comments to be included in this review, you must submit another written response by January 17, 2013.


A copy of the NOP was sent to those residents which border the Dixon project, and is attached here (there should be 3 pages, in PDF form).  The project has not changed significantly, so it is likely that many of your concerns will remain the same, and you can send the same letter.  But please note that as far as the County is concerned, this is a new review process, and in order to have your concerns addressed in the EIR, the written response must be received by Pierre Rivas in EDC Planning Services no later than January 17, 2013.


In January, when the new GSRLA Board convenes, we will have a border sub-committee recognized and choose a chair.  If you are interested in participating, let me know!  In the meantime, if you have any questions please don’t hesitate to contact me.


Thank you – Ellen Van Dyke


Documents:  Notice of Preparation 12/14/12, page 1, page2, page 3




July 24, 2012


Pages to provide updates on the Dixon Ranch and Springs Equestrian Center developments have been added to the GSRLA website:


Springs Equestrian Center (a proposed development adjoining Green Springs Ranch to the North)

Dixon Ranch (a proposed development adjoining Green Springs Ranch to the West)


Kirsten Klinghammer

GSRLA Webmaster




June 5, 2012


Tree Trimming on Hold


Tree-trimming is on hold for the present time.


GSRLA Board 




June 4, 2012


Green Springs Ranch Roadside Tree Trimming Schedule


Greetings, Fellow Homeowners,


Foothill Tree Service will be coming out to trim trees in the roadside easements here in Green Springs Ranch.  They are scheduled to be working here from June 12th through June 14th.  They will be both trimming trees and cleaning up their debris afterwards. 


Some of you have also asked for Foothill’s contact information, to explore scheduling tree work on your properties while they’re already here in the neighborhood.  Arborist Chad Dykstra has been our point of contact for this job.  Please feel free to follow up if you are interested.


Foothill Tree Service


Certified Arborists Consultations & Appraisals
Fully Insured PL & PD Workers Comp.
State Contractors License
Emergency Storm & Insurance
Work Landscaping

Toll Free: 888-622-1245
Phone: 530-621-1772

Mailing Address:
3130 Springer Rd
Placerville, CA 95667


With best regards,


Kirsten Klinghammer

GSRLA Fire Safety Chair




July 18, 2011


Green Springs Ranch Road Upgrades


Hello landowners,


We have some very exciting news from your GSRLA Board after months of research and discussion.


At our board meeting this past Wednesday, the board passed a resolution to redo all of road surfaces with cost effective and quality solutions for our roads.  New coatings of chip and seal, impressive road backing to protect the road edges and problem road areas as well as re-grading some of the road sides and ditches for proper drainage and erosion control are included.


The entire project is 350,000 dollars. This will be paid over eight years at a fixed $41,275.00 per year, including interest. The ranch will pay $100,000 dollars from reserves and borrow $250,000. Thanks to GSRLA’s stellar credit rating we have been offered an unsecured loan by Sierra Vista Bank. We have been assured by our lawyer and by the bank that liens cannot be assessed to the landowners, or to the board members, for that matter.  Since this is an unsecured loan, it will have no effect on your personal real estate, and no homeowner will be responsible for any part of the loan. 


We already fund at about $41,361.00 for our roads each year, so the fixed payment falls within typical annual road maintenance budgets. This means no extraordinary road assessment as used in the past.


Skip Brown, a contracted road consultant, states that after this repair we should get somewhere between 10 to 15 years with very little maintenance. Due to the rising cost of oil and the poor condition of the roads this is a great time to have are roads brought up to a great standard instead of the usual patchwork approach. We know many of you have complained about the condition of our roads, and we now have in place a real sound strategic plan versus piecemeal repairs.


Delta construction will begin this project in late July. We will update you, of course, as we have a firm date. We expect the project will take less than a month.


Green Springs Ranch Board


Ron Keil

GSRLA Secretary




November 16, 2010


Green Valley / Deer Valley Intersection


Supervisor John Knight and Department of Transportation Engineer Matt Smeltzer attended the GSRLA Annual Membership Meeting on November 10, 2010.  Mountain Democrat reporter Mike Roberts’ article about our meeting published November 16, 2010, may be found here: Dangerous Intersection May Get Attention


Ron Keil

GSRLA Secretary




June 23, 2010


Stunning Green Springs Ranch Wildlife and Plant Pictures


For a stunningly beautiful series of Green Springs Ranch wildlife and plant pictures, you’re invited to view those shared by our fellow Green Springs Ranch neighbor, Don Van Dyke, at: . 


If you see any unusual species you’d like him to capture photographically, please get in touch and he’ll be pleased to oblige.


With best regards,


Kirsten Klinghammer

GSRLA Webmaster




January 15, 2010


Weed Spraying on Saturday, January 16th  


Greg Scott, our weed control expert, let us know today that he plans to spray for weeds this Saturday, January 16th. 


With best regards,


Kirsten Klinghammer

GSRLA Webmaster




August 7, 2008


Weed Spraying on Friday, August 8th


Greg Scott, our weed control expert, let us know today that he plans to spray for weeds this Friday, August 8th.  He requests that everyone retrieve their trash cans from the roadside by Friday morning so that he can spray more effectively.


With best regards,


Kirsten Klinghammer

GSRLA President




August 4, 2008


Gates Back in Service


All entrance gates have been put back into place, and we have put flashing lights on the gates for the first couple of nights to make sure that residents are aware that they are again closed.  The entry code remains the same as it had been before (contact a board member if you’re not sure what it is).  Please remember to keep this code confidential. 


If you have a large party coming up, you are welcome to contact us in advance (a week or more preferred) to request a one-day code which you can provide to attendees.  At present we will also continue to permit the gate to be open for short periods of time for real estate open houses. 


With best regards,


Kirsten Klinghammer

GSRLA President




July 11, 2008


Gates Will Be Reinstalled Soon


All gates are currently removed.  The damaged gate has been repaired, and is being powder-coated now.  In the interests of keeping all gates in the same good condition – especially since the damaged gate was already removed – the second roadway gate and the pedestrian gate are being powder-coated as well. 


All gates should be remounted and functional again soon.




Kirsten Klinghammer

GSRLA President




July 1, 2008


Gate Damaged - Information Sought


Last night the entrance gate was damaged, apparently by an incoming vehicle.  We are not assuming at this time that the damage was malicious, although that is a possibility.  We are currently working with police and reviewing security logs.  In addition, we are arranging for repairs. 


If you are aware of any gate malfunction issues and/or have any knowledge of what may have transpired when the gate was impacted, please contact GSRLA Roads Chairman Bob Hendrix. 


Updates will be posted here on our website and be sent out be email to those on our email list (email us at if you aren’t on the list yet and would like to be added).




Kirsten Klinghammer

GSRLA President 




May 18, 2008


Bob Hendrix Joins GSRLA Board as Roads Chairman / Ron Keil Accepts Secretary Position


Effective May 17, 2008, Susan Hoisington has resigned from the board due to changes in her work circumstances.  On behalf of our Board and our membership, I would like to thank her for her dedication and support of Green Springs Ranch Landowners Association, especially in regards to her hard work on the Border Committee in negotiating our agreements with Serrano Development, LLC.


The Board has unanimously approved the appointment of Bob Hendrix to fill the vacancy on the board, and he has graciously accepted the appointment.  Thank you, Bob, for your willingness to step forward!   Bob has taken on the position of Roads Chairman, and Ron Keil has now taken the position of Secretary.  We appreciate both of your dedication to our community.


With best wishes to all,


Kirsten Klinghammer

GSRLA President 




May 14, 2008


Ron Keil Joins GSRLA Board


Mark and Darlene Smith have just moved away from Green Springs Ranch.  On behalf of our association, I would like to thank them both for all of their contributions to the Ranch while they were our neighbors.  Mark served for several years on the GSRLA Board as Roads chairman, while Darlene offered her accounting skills to bring our financial files into electronic format.  We greatly appreciate the dedication they showed to our neighborhood, and our best wishes go with them in their future endeavors.


As a result of Mark Smith moving away from the Ranch, the board approached the next in line vote-getter in the 2008 Board election, Ron Keil.  He remained willing to serve, and was approved unanimously at this evening’s Board meeting to fill the vacancy.  Thank you, Ron, and we look forward to working with you!




Kirsten Klinghammer

GSRLA President





January 19, 2008


New GSRLA Officers Selected


January 17th was the first board meeting of the year.  As is customary, the board selected its officers, who are the following:


President – Kirsten Klinghammer

Vice President – Kent Hallmeyer

Secretary – Susan Hoisington

Treasurer – Betty Peterson


In addition, some of our committee chairs have changed.  The following are the current committee chairs:


Roads – Mark Smith

Gate – Mel Kowardy

Borders – Bill Annis and Kent Hallmeyer

Long Range Planning – Bill Annis and Charlie Frey (with Charlie transitioning to Susan Hoisington)

Architectural Review and CC&R’s – Bill Bevier and Ed Golden

Communications – Susan Hoisington

Water – not yet confirmed

Nominating – in hiatus


We look forward to serving you, and we invite you to join a committee to help keep our Ranch the best place it can be!


With best regards,


Kirsten Klinghammer

GSRLA President





January 2, 2008


Board Election Results


Dear Ranch Members,


The first meeting of the New Board of Directors will be held at the home of Charlie & Jane Frey located at 2351 Green Springs Court, Rescue, CA  95672, at 7:00 pm January 17, 2008. Outgoing President Wayne Ordos will open the meeting and recommend an agenda to the New Board Members. Ron Krekelberg will attend to start the minutes and then turn the note keeping over to the new Secretary. Wayne and Ron will leave the meeting after these duties have been performed.


GSRLA is a self-governed association of volunteers and is only as good as the effort put forth by each of us to make Green Springs Ranch the best place to live in El Dorado County. Wayne wishes to thank all of those that participated as candidates and sends congratulations to those who our Members elected to serve on the 2008 Board of Directors. Best of luck in the future.


The Winners are:


William Bevier, Ed Golden, Kent Hallmeyer, Susan Hoisington, Kirsten Klinghammer, Mel Kowardy, Bette Peterson, and Mark Smith


Ron Krekelberg

GSRLA Secretary




November 29, 2007


Gate Safety


We have been experiencing an increase in vehicles entering the ranch through the exit side of our security gate. This occurs when the exit side of the gate is opened by an outbound vehicle and the individual waiting to enter crosses over into oncoming traffic to enter the ranch through the exit gate.


This is a dangerous practice and one that inevitably will lead to a collision or injury. Please refrain from this activity and tell your guests and vendors to do the same. Entering the ranch through the exit gate is not permitted and sanctions will be imposed for engaging in this practice.


Thank you,


GSRLA Board of Directors




November 28, 2007


Mather Field Expansion – Comments Deadline


Friday, November 30, 2007, is the deadline to submit requests to the Department of Environmental Review and Assessment (DERA) on the Mather Field expansion.  As the air cargo final flight path is planned to go over Green Springs Ranch, you may wish to request that our area be included in the Environmental Impact Report.  See the Mather Field Project Details page for the Master Plan and comments contact information.




November 6, 2007


New Gate Code Starting 11/22/07


On November 22, 2007, at 12:00am, the Security Gate Code will change to [a code you will receive via email or US mail].  Be sure to dial the # key before the number or the code will not work. If you do not dial correctly, wait a couple of seconds and then dial the correct number again. Do not publish this code to anyone other the persons that you feel you can trust. You are responsible to advise vendors, family members, friends etc. of this new number and its effective date. Individual code numbers have been given to the school system, fire department, UPS, DHL, Federal Express etc. These codes will not change and you do not have to notify them. Once again, please safeguard this security code and only let it out to persons that you can trust.  


GSRLA Secretary

Ron Krekelberg




November 5, 2007


Gate Code Security


On Sunday November 3rd, a sign was posted on the Kiosk at the gate entry advertising a party being held on Dormity. The sign listed our Security Code number which has made the Ranch vulnerable to Crime perpetrators and other unwanted people in The Ranch. The security in The Ranch has been put at risk. We ask that you be cautious about who you share this code with. Make sure that they are people you can trust to hold it in confidence. Under certain circumstances, the gate can be held open by me if you will just give me a call and let me know the reason.


Thank you for your consideration,


Ron Krekelberg

GSRLA Secretary




August 22, 2007


Rescue Fire Department Fire Safety Information


** Homeowners Checklist ** General Guidelines for Creating Defensible Space ** Reflective Home Address and Street Signs **


Dear Ranch Member,


Attached [above] are three items of information related to fire safety.  This information was generously provided to us by the Rescue Fire Department.  You may find this information helpful as a rural landowner.  In these pamphlets the CDF addresses the 100 foot clearance requirement.  It is law that all structures are cleared within in a radius of 100 feet or to the property line.  Again, hopefully you will find this information informative and helpful.


Thank You,


Tom Bolinger

GSRLA Board Member


[Also see our Fire Safety page for more valuable information - Webmaster]




August 22, 2007


Road Repair – Discount Available to Homeowners


Green Springs Ranch Landowners:


Within the next month we will be having some road repair work done on the ranch roads.  Anyone who has been considering having similar work done on their property and would like to take advantage of a group discount   (i.e. the more work that gets done the cheaper), please contact Mark Smith as soon as possible at 916-439-0489.  The contractor, Dave Bunfill, will be here Sunday afternoon (August 26) to look at all potential jobs and perform bid work.


Thank you,


Mark Smith

Road Committee Chair





May 17, 2007


Update: EID Water Project Discontinued


Letter to the GSRLA Membership:


On May 17, 2007, the GSRLA Board of Directors voted not to proceed to a formal vote of the membership relative to the EID Water Project. The vote tally from our informal poll was 43 votes NO and 36 votes YES regarding whether to hold an election to approve or disapprove the water project.

In light of the results of the informal poll and the costs associated with holding an election, the Board felt it was not prudent to move forward on the project at this time. The Board welcomes your comments and interest in this subject and anticipates that water issues will remain a topic of interest to us all in the future.

Thanks to all that participated in the poll and for helping the Board understand the attitudes of our membership relative to the project.


Wayne Ordos

GSRLA, President




April 7, 2007


EID Water Project Q&A’s posted – See the EID Water Project page to view the Questions and Answers discussed at both the April 3rd and April 5th Informational Water Project meetings.





April 6, 2007


EID Water Project page created – See our new EID Water Project webpage for more information on the discussions and plans for bring EID water through water mains to Green Springs Ranch.  You will also find a link to this webpage from our homepage, under General Information.  The informational PowerPoint presentation from the informational water project meetings this week has now been posted, and more information will follow soon.





April 2, 2007


Bulk Recycling Returns


More Options for Recycling

Recycling is bigger than ever in El Dorado Hills!  Many residents have been asking about what to do with overflow green waste, mixed recycling and large cardboard boxes that don’t fit in residential carts.  Since construction began on the Community Park Teen Center and Skate Park in July 2005, use of a designated bulk recycling bin has been an unfilled need in our community.  Now, residents once again have a place to drop off green waste, cardboard and mixed recycling materials for free in El Dorado Hills.


The new Recycling & Buy Back Center is located at 4421 Latrobe Road, across from the El Dorado Hills Business Park between Entrances 1 and 2. The Recycling & Buy Back Center will be open on March 23, 2007, and will have separate roll-off bins specifically designed to accept cardboard and newspapers, green waste and mixed recycling that are brought in by individuals.  Please flatten cardboard boxes before disposal. With this new Recycling Center on Latrobe Road, residents no longer run the risk of charges for extra bags of green waste or mixed recycling left at curbside for pickup, and Waste Connections will have easier and faster route service when residents use the carts correctly.


Cash for Cans

In addition to the self-service recycling bins, El Dorado Disposal Service (dba Waste Connections) will operate a 20/20 Buy-back shack where the public can redeem cans, bottles and other mixed recyclables for cash.  The Buy-back shack and the self-service recycling bins will be open to the public Tuesday through Saturday from 9 a.m. until 4:30 p.m. with a lunchtime closure from 12:30 to 1:00 p.m.


For more information on recycling or disposal of household hazardous waste, batteries and flourescent light bulbs in El Dorado Hills, contact Kristie Downey at 916-614-3208 or at, or log on to





March 16, 2007


Informational EID Water Meeting – NOTICE TO ALL GSRLA LANDOWNERS


Dear GSRLA members:


The GSRLA Board of Directors and the GRSLA EID Water Committee would like to invite you to attend an informational meeting regarding the installation of water mains in the ranch to enable our members to hook up to EID water. The informational meetings will be held on:


Dates:             Tuesday, April 3, 2007 and Thursday, April 5, 2007


Time:              6:30 p.m.


Location:        Frontier Dental Laboratories

                        El Dorado Hills Business Park

                        4944 Windplay Drive, Suite 300

                        El Dorado Hills, CA 95762


The Board has selected two dates for the informational meetings in an attempt to accommodate all of our member’s schedules. Please write these dates and times down, as it is important that you attend one of these meetings.


At the informational meetings we will be discussing what is involved in plumbing the ranch for EID water. We will also be discussing the costs of the project and what expense each landowner would incur if you vote to approve the GSRLA EID Water Project.


Please plan to join us for this very important meeting.


Directions to the meeting: Take El Dorado Hills Blvd. (South) under Hwy. 50 this turns into Latrobe Road, Turn Right on Whiterock Road, Turn Left on Windfield Way, Turn Right on Windplay Drive.





March 11, 2007


Explosions reported,  notify Board if you have further information - Three weeks ago 3 loud explosions were heard at dusk at the back of the empty lot between the Hoisinton’s and the Van Dykes. Four teenage boys were seen running from the back of the lot to the road.


Saturday, March 10th, at 6:10 PM another large explosion was heard in the back of the empty lot. This time 3 independent observers spotted 4 teenage boys  (estimated to be between 14-15 years old) who when they saw they were observed broke into a trot and climbed into a white metallic or silvery Audi (likely an Audi A4). One observer noted the car was driven by a woman with a mature voice who told the boys to hop in the car which then sped away.


If this description fits anyone you know living on or off the ranch please contact GSRLA Board Secretary RON KREKELBERG as soon as possible [phone number not listed on website for security reasons; please refer to your phone list instead – GSRLA webmaster]. This was not a firecracker or a shotgun blast - this was an explosion which rattled windows. Connie and I heard the explosion that occurred last night and ran out the door to see what had happened. We take this threat to public safety very seriously. Please contact me with any information that you might have ASAP.

-- Ron Krekelberg





December 19, 2006


Please Bag All Loose Trash – A follow up on problems with trash on our roads mentioned at the recent Annual GSRLA General Meeting:  El Dorado Disposal requests that trash placed in garbage cans for curbside pickup, especially loose trash like shipping “peanuts” and papers, be placed into garbage bags before being placed into the garbage cans.  Use of garbage bags prevents light trash from being blown out of their trucks and onto our roads.  Please help El Dorado Disposal help us keep our neighborhood clean!  For any questions, please contact a GSRLA board member, or El Dorado Disposal at (530) 295-2854.





September 28, 2006   

[posted October 10, 2006]


GSRLA Rules 4 and 5 Approved at Board Meeting – To see the full current list of GSRLA Rules, click here.





September 11, 2006


Board Meeting Date Changed - Due to a number of conflicting circumstances, the GSRLA Board meeting scheduled for 9/21/06 at 7:00 p.m. has been postponed one week to 9/28/06 at 7:00 p.m. at Mark and Darlene Smith's home. Based on the responses received from Board members we will be able to establish a quorum at the meeting. Please note this in your calendars with apologies for any inconvenience this change may have caused.  – Wayne Ordos, GSRLA President





September 3, 2006


Gate Code Change Effective October 1, 2006 – For security purposes, our gate code will be changed periodically (click here for more information).  The new code has been distributed by email for those on the GSRLA email notification list, and by US mail for landowners who have not provided us with email addresses.  For any questions, or to be added to our email notification list, please contact GSRLA Secretary Ron Krekelberg directly, or email us at





August 28, 2006


Street Sign Auction - As you have noticed, we have new street signs and posts throughout the ranch. The old signs have been taken down and the Board thought that some of our members might want them for posterity or sentimental reasons.  Click here for complete information.





June 25, 2006  

[posted August 28, 2006; these were previously disseminated directly to GSRLA members]


GSRLA Rules – Please submit your opinions on Rule #4 [ street lights ] and Rule # 5 [ culverts ]. These 2 rules have tentativley been approved by the Board and await your approval.  For more information about these GSRLA Rules, click here.





June 4, 2006


Ranch Wildlife and Plants webpage created – Although still under construction, please visit GSRLA’s new webpage dedicated to local wildlife and plants found in Green Springs Ranch.  We welcome pictures taken by Ranch members, as well as stories you’d like to share about our local, non-human residents.   Comments on and assistance with this page are invited!   To see the new page, click here.





June 2, 2006


Bobcat in Dormity Road area. - A bobcat has been spotted by several homeowners on Dormity Road.  For pictures of it from Sandra Molitor, click here.  For further information on this wild cat, see





April 16, 2006

1st Annual Green Springs Ranch Rummage Sale And Get to Know Your Neighbor Day,  Saturday, May 6th, 9am to 3pm

Dear Neighbors,


I would like to invite you all to participate in our upcoming Rummage Sale. Hopefully this will be a good opportunity to clean out your closets, make a few bucks and get to know our neighbors a little better.  I will be advertising this event in our local newspapers and posting signs near Green Valley Road.  If you would like to participate or if you have any questions, please contact me, Sandy Alexander, at [phone number listed in GSRLA directory; not listed here for security reasons].


I am looking forward to a beautiful sunny day! Since we have so many GSRLA members interested in participating, the security gate will remain open from 9:00 a.m. to 3:00 p.m. on the 6th to allow easier access to the event.


Thank you for your time, hope to see you on May 6th,


Sandy Alexander






March 16, 2006


Gate and other vandalism reported in our area – Please report any suspicious activity at once to the sheriff!   For more information, click here for the Sacramento Bee article, Public Safety Watch: Vandals Hit Cars, Gates in Foothills.




November 1, 2005


Final report of the Gate Committee – click here to read the final report of the Gate Committee, and to read the long list of homeowners’ names who contributed either time or money to make the gate a reality.  Thank you to all!





September 24, 2005


New California Fire Safety Law – In addition to being common sense, the state of California now requires defensible space around homes.  For more information and the full text of this law, see our Fire Safety page.





July 30, 2005


The Security gate will begin normal functioning Saturday, August 6, 2005.  From that time forward, homeowners will need to use their gate remotes or the security code to open the entrance gate.  If you encounter any problems, please contact Ron Krekelberg or email us at  For further information on how the gate functions, please click here.





July 10, 2005


Gate Remotes Now Available – All landowners should have received a letter announcing details of two meeting times to receive security gate remotes.  The first meeting, attended by over forty homeowners, took place on July 8th (my apologies this wasn’t posted to the website previously – Kirsten Klinghammer, webmaster).  The second meeting will be held on Wednesday, July 13th.  Click here for further details.





June 10, 2005


Gate Coming Along! – For current information about the status of the security gate, please see our gate status page.





May 23, 2005


A turkey with an arrow sticking out from under its wing has been seen on Deer Valley Road, in the curve on the hill between Marden and Howard.  Animal Control has been called, but the turkey hasn’t been found again.  If you see this injured turkey, please call: Animal Control (530) 621-5795 

(Also please let me, Kirsten Klinghammer, know so that I can update this on our website.  Thanks!)





May 18, 2005


Board Meeting Location Change – This coming Thursday, May 19th, the GSRLA board meeting will be held at Wayne Ordos’s house rather than at Ron Krekelberg’s.  Please let your neighbors know.  Thanks!





March 25, 2005


Roadside Weed Spraying - As is done every year in the spring, last week Roundup was sprayed up to six feet from the sides of Green Springs Ranch roads to control weeds. 





February 14, 2005


Gate Update Letter Online – click here to read.





 February 12, 2005


·       2005 GSRLA Board Members and Officers list now online – click here to see list.


·       Gate work continues – Friday, February 11, 2005, the foundation was poured for the three gate columns, and the columns were tied together with a concrete-filled trench full of rebar.  More details to follow…


·       More road widening pictures on web – GSRLA volunteers work to replace barbed wire fences, January 8, 2005.  Click here to see the pictures. 






 January 3, 2005


·        Road widening pictures on web.  Click here to see them.  Additional pictures will be posted as construction continues.





December 12, 2004


·        Road widening for the gate is underway. This construction will take another week or two, and at times the road will be reduced to one lane. After the roadwork is complete, gate construction will begin.  Please be extra cautious while the construction is ongoing.





October 17, 2004


·        DSL now available in Green Springs Ranch!!!  For more information about this high speed Internet access, check out SBC Yahoo!® DSL Residential Products.

·        Clickable Current GSRLA CC&R’s and Bylaws are now available on the GSRLA website.  Word versions (with pagination) are also available.  Click here to go directly to the CC&R’s and Bylaws webpage.





May 10, 2004


·        HOUSE BREAK-IN   Friday, May 7th, a home on Clarksville Road in Green Springs Ranch was broken into at 2:00 a.m.  – while the owner was home!  The thief came into the bedroom where the owner was sleeping, then ran out of the house and drove away when the person woke up.   


·        At least two other reports have been made of suspicious vehicle activity.  In addition, we have seen an increase in people loitering in cars parked in the cul-de-sacs around the Ranch. Should you see this kind of behavior please call the police.


·        Please remain alert, and let the GSRLA Board know too if you spot anything odd.





April 9, 2004


·        After approval by GSRLA members, GSRLA’s CC&R’s and By-Law’s were amended to be in compliance with changes in the California Corporate Code.  To see the current documents, click here.


·        Due to trouble we’ve been having with the GSRLA Yahoo group, this group has been discontinued.  The GSRLA secretary has created a mailing list for announcements of interest to Green Springs Ranch residents.  To be added, please click here.





December 10, 2003


·        Dennis Graham shared his plans for the new equestrian center with Green Spring Ranch homeowners this evening at the public meeting held in the El Dorado Hills Fire Department meeting room.  He will be creating a website for the equestrian center as well, and will let us know when it is ready.  Please check back for pictures, the site plan, and much more!


·        Green Springs Ranch owns its roads!  After more than three years, the last details on this paperwork were finalized by the County today, and the paperwork has been recorded with the County Clerk.




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