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On February 28, 2017 the Board of Supervisors returned with the conditions for denial for the project and upheld the previous vote to DENY. 


On February 14, 2017 the Board of Supervisors voted 3-2 to DENY the Dixon Ranch project.  Supervisors Hidahl, Frentzen and Ranalli voted to deny, while Veerkamp and Novasel voted to continue.  County counsel asked the Supervisors to come back at the February 28th meeting with Conditions for Denial. 


On March 8, 2016 the Board of Supervisors continued the Dixon Ranch hearing until a further date.  The item has been taken off calendar and a notice will be sent when a date is decided.  Those that attended the meeting were able to give public comment. 


On January 14, 2016, the Planning Commission recommended approval of the Dixon Ranch project to the Board of Supervisors.  


On February 26, 2015, the El Dorado Planning Commission held a public meeting on Dixon Ranch.  It was an information-only workshop on the Dixon Ranch Residential project to discuss the project description with the Planning Commission prior to public hearing on the applications and the Final Environmental Impact Report (FEIR).  Many Green Springs Ranch neighbors along with other area residents addressed the commission.  The County’s staff report with their recommendation will be out with the FEIR in the next month or two. 


If you would like to review the meeting, its video and audio are available online through the Board of Supervisors Video Streaming Page at


Look for PlanningCommission2015-02-26 under the Archived Videos section.  The Dixon Ranch segment begins at 6:09:30 (six hours, 9 minutes, and 30 seconds into the recording).


You may also be interested in a newspaper story in the Village Life which reported on this public meeting:


Lastly, Ellen Van Dyke has created a Dixon Ranch discussion group in the Green Springs Ranch Next Door forum ( for any Green Springs Ranch residents who may wish to discuss this topic further. 



Dixon Ranch Application Status – El Dorado County Website


Dixon Ranch Residential Project (TM11-1505)- The public comment period for the Draft Environmental Impact Report (DEIR) ended on February 9, 2015.


Dixon Ranch Residential Project (TM11-1505) - Draft Environmental Impact Report (DEIR)



While the Ranch has expressed its views, individual landowners were invited and encouraged to do so as well.  Click here to see the GSRLA letter to the county planner on this project.


Anyone interested in receiving further information directly from the Green Valley Alliance is invited to send their email contact information to to be included in future project updates. 


Please also feel free to share comments on this development with the GSRLA Board through our email address,, or through direct contact with board members. 



For ready reference, these are the El Dorado County officials involved in this project, along with their contact information:


Lillian McLeod, Principal Planner -


Supervisor Shiva Frentzen -


Supervisor Brian Veerkamp -


Supervisor Michael Ranalli -


Supervisor Sue Novasel -


Jim Mitrisiin, Clerk of the Board -



Planning Commissioners:  

Rich Stewart -

Gary Miller -

Tom Heflin -

Dave Pratt -

Brian Shinault -


Note: Supervisor Mikulaco is required to recuse himself from any votes/discussion of this project because of his ownership of adjacent property.


The proposed Dixon Ranch Subdivision is located directly west of Green Springs Ranch. 


This high-density residential subdivision proposal would subdivide approximately 280 acres into 605 small-lot single-family detached residential units, 5 large-lot single-family detached residential units, one of which contains the existing Dixon Family residence. The project proposes preservation or creation of 84.1 acres of open space including both active and passive parks, trails, landscaped lots, and native open spaces.

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